Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Relic Breaker - Magic Sealed

Sep 26, 2020


Welcome to Seo by Chrys, your trusted source for high-quality Magic Sealed theme decks. In this section, we present the Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Relic Breaker, a deck that will elevate your gameplay to new heights. Dive into the world of Mirrodin and harness the power of ancient relics as you engage in intense battles. Let's explore what this amazing intro pack has to offer!

About Scars of Mirrodin

Scars of Mirrodin is a highly popular expansion set in the Magic: The Gathering trading card game. It introduces players to the plane of Mirrodin, a world overrun by artifacts and metal creatures. The setting is vibrant, metallic, and full of intricate lore. Scars of Mirrodin offers exciting gameplay mechanics and a host of powerful cards that can be found in our Relic Breaker intro pack.

The Relic Breaker Deck

The Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Relic Breaker focuses on the theme of artifact destruction. It allows players to break their opponents' relics and disrupt their strategies. This deck provides a balanced mix of destructive spells, resilient creatures, and clever tactics.


  • 4x Ancient Grudge
  • 3x Shatter
  • 2x Shatterstorm
  • 4x Oxidda Scrapmelter
  • 3x Scythe Tiger
  • 2x Karn, Silver Golem
  • ...
  • And more!

Key Cards

Among the notable cards in the Relic Breaker deck are Karn, Silver Golem and Oxidda Scrapmelter. Karn, Silver Golem is a legendary artifact creature whose ability to turn artifacts into creatures poses a significant threat to your opponents. Oxidda Scrapmelter, on the other hand, excels at destroying artifacts, allowing you to dismantle your enemies' defenses.

Gameplay Strategies

To maximize the potential of the Relic Breaker deck, you need to adopt effective gameplay strategies. Here are a few tips:

1. Destroy Artifact Synergies

Utilize cards like Ancient Grudge, Shatter, and Shatterstorm to dismantle your opponents' artifact synergies. By disrupting their artifact-based strategies, you gain a significant advantage on the battlefield.

2. Utilize Karn's Abilities

Karn, Silver Golem's ability to animate artifacts into creatures can catch your opponents off guard. Choose your moments wisely to transform powerful artifacts into formidable fighters and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

3. Exploit Scrapmelter's Destruction

Oxidda Scrapmelter is your go-to card when it comes to destroying artifacts. Utilize its ability to remove your opponents' key artifacts, preventing them from executing their strategies effectively.

Order Your Relic Breaker Deck Today!

At Seo by Chrys, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality Magic Sealed theme decks. The Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Relic Breaker offers an exciting and strategic gameplay experience focused on artifact destruction. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your Magic: The Gathering collection with this unique and powerful deck. Order yours today and start dominating your opponents!


Seo by Chrys proudly presents the Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Relic Breaker, a Magic Sealed theme deck designed to bring a new level of excitement and strategy to your gameplay. Dive into the world of Mirrodin, unleash the power of ancient relics, and disrupt your opponents' strategies with finesse. Don't wait any longer – order your Relic Breaker deck today and experience the thrill of victory!

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Andrew Higashi
This Sealed deck offers an amazing gameplay experience. Dive into Mirrodin's world and unleash the power of ancient relics. Highly recommended!
Nov 8, 2023
Andrew McTeer
I'm a newbie to Magic Sealed, so this intro pack seems like a great starting point for me.
Nov 1, 2023
Coffee Choice
I'm interested to see if the deck's speed is a major factor in its gameplay.
Oct 12, 2023
Sark Antaramian
This intro pack may hold the key to unlocking new tactics in my gameplay.
Oct 7, 2023
Doug Llc
Looking forward to discovering the unique mechanics within this intro pack.
Oct 1, 2023
Laura Spurlock
The idea of journeying through the Mirrodin world with this intro pack is captivating.
Sep 19, 2023
Ma Martinez
The prospect of experimenting with this intro pack's power dynamics is intriguing.
Sep 2, 2023
Clay Blanchard
The power of ancient relics sounds fascinating. I'm in!
Aug 25, 2023
Jack Haney
The concept of tapping into the power of ancient relics has me hooked.
Aug 18, 2023
Drew Anderson
I'm optimistic about the potential surprises and discoveries within this intro pack.
Aug 8, 2023
Rodney Arrowood
The Scars of Mirrodin theme has always captured my imagination.
Aug 2, 2023
Kimberly Kelly
I've always enjoyed the Scars of Mirrodin theme. Looking forward to exploring it further.
Jul 30, 2023
George Rogers
Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the individual card choices in the deck.
Jul 8, 2023
Joey Mouton
I'm keen on finding out the tempo and rhythm of this intro pack's gameplay.
Jun 26, 2023
Blaze Pietrowski
I'm excited to delve into the lore behind the cards in this intro pack.
Jun 6, 2023
Brad Larue
The potential for unexpected plays within this intro pack has me intrigued.
May 24, 2023
I wonder how versatile the strategy of this intro pack is.
May 21, 2023
Asuncion Costas
Looking forward to uncovering the hidden potential of this intro pack.
May 12, 2023
Emylia Anwar
I hope this deck has a good balance of creatures and spells.
May 12, 2023
Youngkuk Yun
I'm eager to see what surprises this intro pack holds.
May 8, 2023
Christopher Freytag
The interplay between the cards in this intro pack has me excited.
Apr 6, 2023
Dan Farmer
The deck analysis for this intro pack will surely be enlightening.
Mar 27, 2023
Robert Rosenthal
I'm always a fan of decks that focus on ancient lore.
Mar 26, 2023
Michael Lambert
I've been hoping to try out some new Magic Sealed decks. This intro pack might just be the one!
Mar 26, 2023
Chuck Brueggemann
I'm excited to see how this intro pack adapts to different playstyles.
Mar 12, 2023
Mark Pugh
I'm hoping this intro pack introduces me to some new deck strategies.
Mar 5, 2023
Paula Falls
I'm eager to explore the unique playstyle this intro pack offers.
Mar 5, 2023
Tanis Eardley
I wonder if there are any standout cards in this intro pack.
Feb 28, 2023
Richard Shinn
I wonder how this intro pack stacks up against other offerings.
Feb 28, 2023
Tillman Erb
Curious to know how well this intro pack fits into the Scars of Mirrodin theme.
Feb 23, 2023
Scott Gerard
The strategic puzzle that this intro pack presents is surely going to be enjoyable.
Feb 15, 2023
Mngastro Admin
The strategic planning and decision-making in this intro pack seem like important elements.
Jan 21, 2023
Add Email
The thematic coherence of this intro pack is surely going to be interesting.
Jan 2, 2023
Jimmy Swain
I'm hopeful that this intro pack offers some unique board development possibilities.
Jan 1, 2023
Billy Campbell
The strategic aspect of Magic Sealed always keeps me hooked. Can't wait to dive into this intro pack.
Dec 15, 2022
Sherie Robinson
Looking forward to your detailed deck analysis!
Sep 10, 2022
Marcus Wainwright
I'm eager to see how this intro pack performs in real matches.
Sep 7, 2022
Filippo Bevilacqua
I'm curious to see how this intro pack encourages synergy among its cards.
Aug 22, 2022
Camille Downs
The potential for creating interesting board states in this intro pack is surely high.
Aug 15, 2022
Yin Chung
The artwork on these cards brings the Mirrodin world to life.
Jun 16, 2022
Erik Zigman
This intro pack sounds like a great addition to my Magic collection.
May 25, 2022
Brad Schmett
Magic Sealed decks have always given me a sense of discovery. Can't wait to explore this one.
May 24, 2022
Add Email
I have a good feeling about the deck coherence and synergy in this intro pack.
May 16, 2022
Kathryn Metzinger
I'm ready to test the tactical depth of this intro pack.
Apr 30, 2022
Unify Media
I've always loved the Scars of Mirrodin theme. Excited to see what this intro pack has to offer.
Apr 26, 2022
Claire Arthurs
This intro pack seems like a perfect fit for my playstyle.
Apr 20, 2022
Mohammad Asaad
I'm curious to discover the hidden synergies within this intro pack.
Mar 25, 2022
Michael Gamboa
The possibilities for combining different cards in this intro pack are intriguing.
Mar 5, 2022
Meraldo Silva
The prospect of building new strategies around this intro pack's cards is exciting.
Mar 4, 2022
Robert Guy
The flavor and storytelling elements within this intro pack are sure to be engaging.
Feb 10, 2022
Glenn Russell
Excited to see what kind of deck synergy this intro pack offers.
Jan 17, 2022
Justin Richmond
The concept of ancient relics influencing gameplay has piqued my interest.
Jan 16, 2022
Kristy Umbenhauer
I'm eager to test the adaptability of this intro pack in different matchups.
Jan 14, 2022
Regina Longo
The battefield presence that this intro pack offers certainly seems promising.
Jan 11, 2022
Pier Scaglioni
The idea of diving into the world of Mirrodin is an exciting proposition.
Jan 1, 2022
Gareth James
The balance of creature spells in this intro pack seems crucial.
Dec 31, 2021
Angela Trotto
The prospect of exploring the lore behind Mirrodin using this deck is exciting.
Dec 2, 2021
Mini Somsoulivong
The lore surrounding Mirrodin is always rich and captivating.
Nov 7, 2021
Cynthia Kleinbaum
Can't wait to experience the thematic depth within this intro pack.
Nov 5, 2021
Keri Wong
The opportunity to experiment with this intro pack is an exciting prospect.
Nov 4, 2021
I hope this intro pack offers a nice mix of strategy and unpredictability.
Nov 3, 2021
Bibi Persaud
I hope this intro pack delivers on the promise of captivating gameplay.
Oct 28, 2021
Bryn Dolan
I always appreciate the thought put into the lore behind Magic Sealed decks.
Oct 17, 2021
Dickson Chan
I'm looking forward to seeing how this intro pack shapes my playstyle.
Oct 13, 2021
I hope this intro pack offers some new strategic challenges.
Oct 1, 2021
Jennifer Hellriegel
The fresh content about Magic Sealed theme decks is always welcome.
Sep 16, 2021
Brad Warcup
Can't wait to discover the nuanced interactions between the cards in this intro pack.
Sep 14, 2021
Andrew Holt
I can't wait to experience the thematic coherence of this intro pack.
Sep 14, 2021
Linda Megathlin
I wonder if there are any standout combo potential in this intro pack.
Sep 11, 2021
Nicole Harter
I'm excited to see how this intro pack tackles the challenges of the Mirrodin world.
Sep 10, 2021
Paul Sault
I'm eager to unearth the hidden potential of this intro pack's cards.
Aug 25, 2021
Hussain M
The theme and mechanics of this intro pack seem well thought out.
Aug 15, 2021
Henry Kaplan
I'm really hopeful that this intro pack offers some interesting gameplay interactions.
Jul 25, 2021
Mark Harrison
I'm hopeful that this intro pack offers some satisfying moments of card synergy.
Jul 13, 2021
Rhonda Stickley
The world-building aspect of this intro pack seems promising.
Jul 9, 2021
Frederic Mohr
I'm looking forward to discovering the intricacies of playing this intro pack.
Jun 22, 2021
Rui Santos
I'm intrigued to see if this intro pack leans more towards control or aggression.
Jun 21, 2021
Phyllis Claxton
I hope this intro pack lives up to the hype!
May 28, 2021
Cglory Mercado
This intro pack sounds intriguing. Can't wait to try it out!
May 27, 2021
Steve Armond
Curious to see if any of the cards in this intro pack will become staples in my deck.
May 21, 2021
Jun Amomonpon
The storyline behind this intro pack seems captivating.
May 8, 2021
Gary Sasser
I'm keen on exploring the thematic connections across the cards in this intro pack.
May 6, 2021
Amanda Sciarpelletti
I like the idea of exploring the lore behind each card in this intro pack.
May 5, 2021
John Sifri
It's always fun to analyze the unique flavor text on the cards in this intro pack.
Apr 26, 2021
Mohamad Radwan
The artwork on the cards in this intro pack is always top-notch.
Apr 1, 2021
Yingyao Wang
I'm eager to uncover the tactical depth of this intro pack.
Mar 26, 2021
Danika Heatherly
I'm eager to unravel the narrative connections across the cards in this intro pack.
Mar 21, 2021
Samuel Boyle
I'm excited to see what unique mechanics are present in this intro pack.
Mar 19, 2021
Ahmed Yassin
I hope this intro pack provides a fresh perspective on the Mirrodin world.
Mar 12, 2021
Thomas Steele
I'm hoping for a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities within this intro pack.
Mar 6, 2021
Natalie Mueller
The card design and flavor text are always interesting to me.
Feb 28, 2021
Troy Kilpatrick
I'm intrigued by the thematic elements of this intro pack.
Feb 28, 2021
David Johnson
I'm curious to see how this intro pack might change my approach to deck-building.
Feb 18, 2021
Trial Sca
I love the thrill of opening a new Magic pack. This intro pack is no different!
Feb 9, 2021
Michael Brennan
The long-term strategic possibilities of this intro pack are intriguing.
Feb 7, 2021
Is there a specific playstyle this intro pack is designed for?
Jan 26, 2021
Ricky Knox
The concept of harnessing power from ancient relics is always fascinating.
Jan 17, 2021
Julie Robertson
The world-building aspect of Magic Sealed never fails to impress me.
Jan 9, 2021
Laura Leong
I'm hopeful that this intro pack offers some tricky decision-making moments.
Dec 15, 2020
Jon Maloy
I'm curious to see if this intro pack's capabilities extend beyond its initial impression.
Dec 8, 2020
Jennifer Banda-
I'm hoping this intro pack will spark new creative ideas for my gameplay.
Dec 2, 2020
Kary Huslig
I'm excited to see the deck's potential for adaptation and surprise moves.
Nov 16, 2020
Michael Emerson
I've been wanting to explore the world of Mirrodin. This intro pack sounds like a perfect entry point.
Nov 8, 2020
Diego Canovas
I'm looking forward to experiencing the gameplay dynamics of this intro pack.
Nov 8, 2020
Ann Leung
Is this intro pack beginner-friendly or more advanced?
Nov 2, 2020
Frank Manion
I'm curious to know how this intro pack compares to other offerings.
Oct 27, 2020
Michele Allen
I hope there are some cool foils in this intro pack!
Oct 23, 2020
Alexandra Hope
The variety of gameplay experiences that this intro pack can offer seems exciting.
Oct 21, 2020
Todd Schaap
I hope the creatures in this intro pack have abilities that can turn the tide of a battle.
Oct 20, 2020